What is it doing?

Connecting Bill.com with MarketMan will allow you to send invoices from MarketMan to Bill.com in a few clicks, using a CSV file! 

Why should I use it?

Save lots of time by utilizing this one-click-done system.

HOW TO - Setup / Step by Step
  1. Go to "Settings" > "Company information"
  2. On the right side under "Accounting", select "Bill.com" from the drop-down list.
  3. Don't forget to hit "Save"!

Now that we told MarketMan which type of export to use,
It's time to specify where the invoices will go - let's set up the suppliers (so the invoices are directed to the correct supplier/vendor in your accounting software) and the categories (so the expenses show up on the correct part of the PNL, even if you buy alcohol and food on the same invoice!)

  1. Go to Bill.com and export to Excel / CSV format:
    - The list of suppliers/vendor names 
    - The list of expense accounts
  2. Go to "Suppliers" > "Suppliers"
  3. Click on a supplier name to open the supplier pop-up and scroll down to the "accounting" part
    We now see new fields available for a credit account and expense account.
    If you do not see these fields, please log out and log back in, sometimes it takes a new login to apply the new selection of accounting export.

  4. In the supplier's Excel sheet you exported, search for the supplier name, copy this text and paste it into "Credit account".
  5. In the "Default expense account" we'll put the name of the expense account for the majority of your items from this supplier (in case there's more than one)
    Don't worry- we're going to control everything a lot closer with the categories mapping, on the next step. Search the other Excel sheet for the name of that expense account, copy and paste it into "default expense account". --> This needs to be the exact correct format. Parent Account:Child Account:Child Account --> Lets walk through an example. Your expense account is 5000 COGs, 5001 Food. In MarketMan you would put the expense account as COGs:Food --> No numbers or spaces between the colon.
    Don't forget to hit "Save"!

  6. Go to "Suppleirs" > "Categories" and click on a category name to edit this category.
  7. From the Excel sheet, copy the name of the relevant expense account for each category. Follow the bold formatting above for all expense accounts. Parent Account:Child Account

  8. Don't forget to hit "Save"!

  9. You can also map the tax you're being charged into a specific tax account.
    Learn more about this here
HOW TO - Exporting / Step by Step
  1. Go to "Accounting" > "Invoices"
  2. Use the select-all on the top left, or tick the boxes next to the invoices you want to export
  3. Click on "Actions" > "Export to IIF" and make sure you know where the file is downloaded into!
  4. Go into Bill.com,
    Then select the file you just exported and import to Bill.com


Mastering this feature Setting up accounting for a chain with HQ

If you are part of a multi-location you can do this in two ways, depending on the way your accounting is set.

  • If you're using one account for all locations - set this in the HQ
  • If every location (or some locations) has separate accounting software, you'll need to set this up for each location separately.



Extra tips - from the experts! 

You can utilize the sorting option on the "Accounting" > "Invoices" screen in order to export quickly. For example: if you want to use the "select all" but only want to export one specific supplier or one specific week, you should select that supplier and sort to view only the specific dates you want. Then use the "select all" on the top left, and export. 2-3 clicks instead of many clicks to select all invoices!


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