Click on the questions to view the answer and step-by-step how-to!
Click here for the step-by-step article on: How to use invoice scanning and How to receive without scanning.
I did not place the order on MarketMan, how do I scan in an invoice for that?
You can easily scan an invoice without order!
On the app, click on "Receive orders" then click on the grey "Receive without order" on the top. Then choose your supplier and scan in your invoice!
On the web, click "Receive orders" and then "invoice without order"
Then select the supplier you're adding the invoice for and upload the invoice!
How do I see all the invoices that were scanned?
To see your pending invoices (sent to the team and not yet processed) or your failed invoices,
go to: "Accounting" > "Scanned invoices".
Your processed invoices will appear in the min "Accounting" > "Invoices" list, and you'll be able to tell them apart by looking at the icon next to "type".
How do I scan an invoice that has multiple pages?
You can enter multiple pages for one scan- just make sure it's indeed the SAME invoice number. If you have a credit memo for this invoice or for another invoice from this supplier, you can scan that in with the invoice.
Some suppliers might break your order to 2 separate invoices (then sometimes staple them together!) because of their internal procedures. Separate invoices should be scanned on separate entries!
If you do have the same invoice number, just scan the first page, wait for the image to be uploaded and displayed on the bottom, then click on the big light blue button to add another page.
How much does invoice scanning cost?
Depending on your plan, you might have some free scans included with your subscription!
The cost is completely dependent on the number of invoices you receive each month.
It starts at $1.50 per invoice but goes down per invoice as your quantity goes up!
What happens when I have new items on an invoice?
Scanning: Our team will add new items for you!
The team is searching first by product code, then by product name. If they cannot find the item, they will create a new one for you! Check this article for the weekly steps you should take if you're using scanning.
Receiving manually: If you're a single restaurant, you can add new items on the go! Just type the item name into the "Add new product" search box:
then click on "Add new product" in the drop-down, and complete the item details in the pop-up
If you're part of a multi-location chain with HQ- please reach out to your chain manager for any new items that you need in MarketMan.
What do I do if my order is not on the "Receive orders" list?
there could be 3 reasons why you don't see an order in the "receive orders" page:
- It has already been received
- Check out the "Accounting" > "Invoices" section to see if it's there! - It was not placed through MarketMan
- Look at order history to check if the order was indeed placed through MarketMan
- If it is not placed through MarketMan, follow the steps of the first question on this page to
receive the invoice without order :) - It was placed through MarketMan but the delivery date is in the future
- MarketMan shows on "receive orders" only orders that are due to be delivered today, or past due
and not yet received.
If you click on "order history" you'll see all of your orders there.
- If you want, you can even receive the order from the order history page!
Just click on the order and scan from there!
How do I edit an order after it's been received?
Whether you scanned the invoice or received it manually, you can always change it at a later point!
Once inside the invoice, click on "edit" at the top right corner.
If you're in the U.S. and enrolled with our payments solution, your invoices might look like this:
When you're done- don't forget to hit "Save"! A draft invoice is NOT calculated into any reports!
**If the invoice was exported to accounting software, approved for payment, marked as "closed", or paid via MarketMan - you cannot edit the invoice after. If you need to make any changes to an exported invoice, duplicate the invoice, make the changes on the new one and delete the wrong one.