What is it doing?

Categories in MarketMan allow you to add every inventory item, sub-recipe or menu item to a category. 

Why should I use it?
  1. You'll have the ability to filter your items by category on the various screens and reports
  2. You'll have a better chance at identifying issues and getting insights when you can slice every report by categories.
HOW TO - Step by Step
  1. Go to "Suppliers" > "Categories"
    To add a new category, click on "Add" at the top right.
    To edit an existing category, click on the category name.

To add items to the category:

  1. Go to "Inventory" > "Inventory items"
    (this works exactly the same for menu items and sub-recipes/preparations as well)
  2. Click an item to open the pop-up, type in the category name and select it from the drop-down list.
    If this category doesn't exist in MarketMan yet, you can click on "Add new" right from here and the new category will be added!
Mastering Categories - Updating categories in bulk!
  1. Select the items by ticking the checkbox next to the items.
    You can also sort by supplier or storage to make use of the "select all" option.
  2. Once you have items selected, click on "Actions" > "Bulk update"
    The first auto-selected option there is the category setup. So just click "Continue"!
  3. type in the category name and select it from the drop-down list.
    If this category doesn't exist in MarketMan yet, you can click on "Add new" right from here and the new category will be added!


Extra tips - from the experts!
  •  If you want to break some categories to even smaller parts, you can use / to do that.
    for example, if you want to track your seafood, but also wanna know how much of seafood is specifically shrimp, your categories can look like this:
    "Seafood", "Seafood / Shrimp"
    This way you could look at just "shrimp" but also at shrimp as part of the seafood expenses.
  • The same logic applies to menu item categories as well.
    If you'd like to see your menu profitability report for "plates" and "sides"
    Your categories might look like this:
    "Plates / protein", "Plates / side" and maybe even: "Plates / modifiers"
    This way you could look at each part separately, but also at all of them together. 
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