What are sale items?
Sale items are any catalog item that you make available for your customers to purchase from the commissary account.
These can be based on two things:
1. Inventory item based sale items- items that are purchased and sold as they are.
2. Preparation based sale items- items that are made in-house, including re-packaging or breaking cases.
Why should I use it?
1. To build your catalog, you must create your sale items!
Those items will be displayed on your locations / customers catalog
2. Easily manage your own production, ordering, and inventory, while simultaneously managing your customers' orders and requests.
HOW TO create a sale item from an inventory item
1. Go to "Inventory" > "Inventory items"
2. Choose an item, and select "For sale":
3. Now a new "Sale" tab will open. Define the sale item settings- product description, sale case and pricing:
4. Click on " Save".
HOW TO create a sale item from a preparation
1. Go to "Inventory" > "Preparations"
2. Follow steps 2-4 in from above.