Bulk uploading commissary inventory items

Why is the inventory upload for commissary special? 

MarketMan allows you to create your inventory items AND catalog items (=a.k.a. Sale items)
The best way to upload multiple inventory items and sale items at once is through our excel template. 
Remember, the difference between an inventory item and a sale item is that an inventory item is something I purchase from my external suppliers whereas a sale item is something I sell to locations / customers, whether at cost or for a markup.

  1. Go to "Inventory" > "Inventory items" 
    Click on "Add" > then "Import from Excel" > "Upload an Excel"
  2. Scroll all the way down, and click on "Download sample file"
    We're updating the file format from time to time, so it's important to get a fresh one :)
  3. Open the Excel file. There are many columns in this file, but not all of them are mandatory, so if you're short on time or information, not to worry! It is, however, HIGHLY recommended to spend the time and build this Excel with all the details - to save yourself time later on!

    The mandatory fields for your inventory items upload is as follows: 

    • Name of the item (A) - as appears on your supplier's invoices
    • Supplier name (B) - as you want it to appear in MarketMan
    • Product Code (C) (if used by the supplier on invoices)
      • This is really important for placing and receiving orders, especially if you're using
        scanning to receive!
    • Price (E) - current price from your supplier
    • Category (H) - the category you want to have the item in
    • UOM (I) - Unit of measurement 
    • Unit qty (J) - How much of that UOM do I have in each pack?
    • Pack quantity (K) - How many inner-packs do I have per case?
  4. All fields for your sale items are mandatory: 
    • Sale Name (P) - as you want it to appear on your clients delivery notes, catalog and ordering.
    • Sale Product code (T) - this will be the code for this catalog item all over MarketMan
    • Sale UOM (Q) - this must be the same UOM as the inventory item!
    • Sale UOM qty (R) - what's the pack size of your sale item (this is where you can break cases!)
    • Sale items per case (S) - How many of those packs are in the final sale case?
  1. Go to "Inventory" > "Inventory items"
    Click on "Add" > then "Import from Excel" > "Upload an Excel"
  2. On the right side of the screen, click on "Browse files" and select the file you created.
    You can also drag the file to this box instead!
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of this screen and click on "Continue"
  4. You'll see a preview chart of the final upload. 
    MarketMan will color the errors in  RED and notices in  ORANGE .
    Errors in red are mandatory to fix before upload. this will mostly be misspelling or wrong type of information (text instead of numbers, or wrong UOM that's not acceptable in MarketMan)
    Notices in orange, are just there to indicate a new supplier name, category etc.
  5. Review the errors, then click on "Continue" on the bottom when you have 0 red errors.
    You'll see the progress of your upload on the screen. Depending on the file size, this might take a few minutes.  You can click on "Continue" and navigate away from this page whike the items are uploading in the background.
    We recommend waiting until you see the progress of at least 1% before clicking "Continue"' just to make sure everything is going smoothly.
  6. If you stay on the upload window, you'll see a detailed confirmation once the upload is done.
    MarketMan will display the qty of items uploaded, the total qty of items, and any new additions that were added during this upload. (like: new suppliers, new categories, etc)
    Click on "Continue" to exit this page and view the inventory items list:

  7. After uploading this we can begin placing orders from external suppliers and fulfilling orders from your locations / customers. 
    Remember to set the customers first!
Mastering bulk upload - Non-mandatory fields on your Excel upload!

There are so many fields you can pre-populate on the Excel upload to save yourself some bulk updating later on. If you already have the information, and Excel is not a threatening word, you might want to take the extra time and set things up on the Excel sheet.

  • Min Change (L) - if you're required to order in specific increments (half a case, 2 cases) you can set this up here.
    This is set up by UOM, so if your minimum ordering is 1 wine bottle out of a case, you should set it up as min change 750. You only need to enter the number in the Excel, the UOM is already set!
  • Min on hand (M) - you can set up alerts for low inventory levels. This is set up by UOM as well.
  • Par level (N) - While you can set this up here, it's much easier to set per case on the ordering screen, so we recommend waiting with that!
  • You can add storage areas (R - AA) and have up to 10 columns for the upload!


Extra tips - from the experts!
  • If you are in a taxable locale (UK, France, etc.) then you will also have a tax column. In this column you should write the tax rate of the inventory item. So if the tax rate is 5% just write 5 in the cell. If the tax rate is 11% just write 11 in the cell. Note that this column will only show up for specific taxable locales

  • If you already have suppliers and categories in MarketMan that you're looking to add more items into, make sure the information of these fields in the Excel is matching 100% to the spelling and spacing you have in MarketMan. If the spelling or spacing is different, a new supplier / category will be created during the upload.
    Be super careful with supplier names- those cannot be changed after the upload!
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