If you are buying a few items or a majority of your inventory items at a local grocery store, you can absolutely still use MarketMan for these purchases. There are 2 different ways to go about this.
Option 1: Place an order to yourself and use it as a shopping list
And click on the supplier name for the grocery store you're looking to edit.
This way, when you're sending out the order you'll get an email / text with the order details.
If someone else goes to the store, you can add their contact info too! Just add a comma, no space, and another email / number to text.
You'll be able to update qty, prices, and add new items - just like on every other order!
Option 2: Pick up the items, then enter the invoice
and click on "Invoice without order" to enter the new invoice into MarketMan.
You can also use our scanning option for this to save time!
If you have new items on the invoice, you'll be able to add them while receiving the order manually, at any point, or if you're using our scanning feature- our team will add them for you!