Irregular Prices Report


What is it doing? 

 The irregular prices report in the accounting section is one of the most important reports in MarketMan.

From here you can see all your price changes and decide whether or not to accept them.
When you receive an order, whether by scanning it in or receiving manually, if the price for an item is different than the one in MarketMan, it will automatically be logged here.
Managers of single locations and Chain Managers of multi-location chains will then have the ability to decide if the price should be pushed through.

You should handle your irregular prices report as part of your "Weekly sweep" of MarketMan.

Why should I use it?

Changing the price of an item in MarketMan (=accepting a price change), affects:

  1. The price you'll see estimated for the item next time you place an order
  2. The value of the item in inventory counts and on-hand tracking
  3. The cost of the ingredients in recipes that have this item (as long as the update is for the main item)

For multi-location chain managers: it also gives you the ability to see all price changes in one place, and decide which prices you accept and which you do not, for your locations.

  1. Go to "Accounting" > "Irregular prices"
    Up top you can filter by supplier, date, or search for an item.
    You can also sort out only the "Unhandled" items - which we highly recommend. this will allow you to focus only on the items that need your attention right now.
  2. All of your columns can be sorted and filtered. If you click on a column header it will sort the column accordingly.
    We recommend sorting by Variance % - this will show you first the items that had the biggest price changes.
  3. How to read this report? (click on the image to enlarge it)
    If the variance and price difference are red- this indicates a price increase.
    If they're green
    - it indicates a price decrease.
  4. Select the items you wish to update (you can use the "select all" option on the top left)
    Then click on "Actions" > "Update price" or "Reject price".
    If you update the price - the new price will be the "Price on Document"
    If you reject the price change, or do nothing, the "price" will be the price in MarketMan.
  5. You can also do this one at a time per item.
    Just click on the "update price" or "reject price" links on the most-right column.
  6. After you reject a price, check out your credit reminders list - you should see only the credits that are still due on that list.
Extra tips - from the experts!

You can export the report by clicking on the arrow-down button on the top right.



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